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Reading Firearms Offense Attorneys

Last updated on April 29, 2024

Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. While the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear arms, the state regulates the ownership and use of firearms.

At Ohlson & Ohlson, Attorneys at Law, in Reading, Massachusetts, we understand the complexities you face if charged with a firearms offense. In light of the commonwealth’s rigorous mandatory sentencing guidelines, our gun charge lawyers will strive for the best possible outcome.

Massachusetts Gun Ownership Requirements

Massachusetts has extensive requirements for gun owners. You must have a license, which your local police chief typically issues. The license depends on the type of weapon you want to own. The two types are:

  • Firearms Identification Card: An FID allows you to buy, possess and transport nonlarge capacity rifles, shotguns and ammunition in the state.
  • License to Carry: An LTC allows you to buy, possess, transport and carry both large and nonlarge capacity handguns, as well as rifles, shotguns and ammunition.

An LTC is mandatory for both open carry and concealed carry. To obtain either of these licenses, you must meet several requirements outlined by the state.

Common Massachusetts Gun Charges

Facing firearms charges without knowledgeable legal representation is never advisable. Here are gun charges we frequently defend against:

  • Possessing a firearm without a license
  • Carrying a gun where firearms are prohibited
  • Possessing firearms with altered or missing serial numbers
  • Possessing large-capacity ammunition clips
  • Possessing illegal weapons, such as machine guns or sawed-off shotguns

Additionally, Massachusetts requires gun owners to store firearms in tamper-proof locked containers and use trigger locks. At Ohlson & Ohlson, Attorneys at Law, we have the legal knowledge, compassion and tenacity to defend your Second Amendment rights.

Defense Strategies Against Firearms Charges

As a former assistant district attorney, George F. Ohlson Jr. knows firsthand how the state prosecutes firearms offenses. He and criminal defense attorney Tina M. Ohlson scour every aspect of the prosecution’s case to devise potential defenses, including:

  • Police conducted an improper search
  • The firearm in question was not functional
  • You did not possess the firearm

Our attorneys have decades of experience defending individuals in firearms cases and a multitude of other criminal charges. Our strategic defense planning considers all angles to safeguard your freedom and rights.

Navigating State Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws

Massachusetts enforces mandatory minimum sentencing for certain firearms offenses. Under these rules, individuals convicted of various charges face fixed prison terms.

The length of mandatory sentences varies depending on the specific offense and the offender’s criminal history.

For example, carrying an unlicensed firearm could result in a minimum of 18 months in jail, while possessing a firearm while committing a felony brings a five-year minimum prison sentence.

We aim to disprove the prosecution’s case against you or help you avoid mandatory prison terms by advocating for probation if it’s the most favorable outcome for your situation.

Contact Us To Defend Your Rights And Future

If you are facing a firearms-related charge, seeking experienced and aggressive defense is crucial. Contact us today to protect your rights and future. Call 781-214-7398 or email us to schedule a free consultation. We serve clients in Middlesex, Suffolk and Essex counties.